Molly Fasavalu-Bloom
Molly, the eldest (5.5 Y/O), a white, chocolate and brown housecat who will sell her soul for chicken and if that doesn't work she demonstrates more cunning than a bag full of electric weasels in getting it. She prefers tandoori chicken (who doesn't) as I found out leaving mine unattended for twenty seconds whilst going to the fridge to get a beer. She sometimes ventures out onto the patio but generally just follows me and P-H around, presumably to make sure that we don't have any chicken without her having her share. I originally had Molly and her brother Isaac, from the rescue centre when they were six months old, but sadly Isaac died from the FIP retrovirus six weeks later. She is soft, floppy, cuddly, clumsy and generally scared of her own shadow. She is the Alpha Female at home though. She generally sleeps on P-H's feet and P-H was the only girlfriend (now my wife) that I brought home that Molly actually warmed to. Maybe it's their mutual like of tandoori chicken that brought them together.
Cain F. de Souris
Cain is the youngest (1.5 Y/O), he is a shorthair mackeral tabby, who we got from a vet as a discarded kitten. He is spoiled and indulged and generally bosses P-H and I around despite our best efforts to the contrary. He is more or less fearless and intrepid but an incident with a large dog and car when he was smaller have rendered him unlikely to go near either. He can eat his own bodyweight in food and kills more wildlife than a team of Brazilian loggers. We pretty much get small mice and voles as presents from Cain every day, but for variety he's brought home a rabbit, a wood pidgeon which was nearly as big as him, and someone's very expensive and very dead Koi Carp. He regularly stalks the rugby ball in the back garden for practice and if he was an inch longer he'd be able to open the back door. He pretty also much has figured out how to open windows and loves sneaking into the neighbours house. Well he is from Liverpool. Cain was named after the Liverpool Brewery in honour of another kitten P-H and I had called Stella who was named after a session in the pub. Stella was a rescue kitten who was full of ticks when she was brought in and had a leaky heart valve to boot. The vet didn't expect her to live the month, but she lived happily with P-H and I for nearly eighteen months. She is currently chasing dressing gown cords and scratching under the sofa in kitten Valhalla. Cain sleeps mostly on P-H depending on whether Molly feels like sharing her.
Dylan Thomas
Dylan is our middle cat (4.5Y/O). He is mostly black with white socks and chin and had spent pretty much all six months of his life being abused or in a pen at the rescue centre before we got him. He is pretty scaredy as a result, but once he gets used to you he will tolerate you. He sometimes lets you pick him up and he both protests loudly and purrs loudly when you do so. He isn't scratchy but he will run from sudden movements. He is very vocal and he'll let you know when he wants something, like food generally at six AM on a Saturday morning. Somtimes he will get on the bed, but mostly he sleeps in his basket. Dylan was named after my favourite author Dylan Thomas. Stella was his soul mate and he pined like hell when she died. Cain has taken this role subsequently, they can regularly be found cuddled up in the basket in front of the fire.
I've had a few other cats as well. Aslan and Leo were rescue kittens who where born with Feline Leukemia retrovirus as their Mum was presumed to have been a stray. I had them for 18 months or so. They are currently eating buttered corn cobs and chasing fish on sticks in kitten Valhalla. Polly was a black mature female rescue cat. She was a ferocious hunter and had a feral streak in her as her previous owners didn't care much for her. She currently lives near Bristol with two other cats, Jacob and Saffy.
1 comment:
Great kitty pics! I have to take Fluffs for her 2nd flu injection in 30 mins. She won't be purring at me then!!!!
So what has been up with Paul Cullen then - so many interesting things get lumped in with "personal reasons"?
Catalans - well who'd have thought? Tony Rea said on the round-up thingy on Sunday night that he expected them to come good. But really - beating Bulls at home? Not looking good for Giants is it? Plus Eorl is back to a ponytail....
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